24 October 2011

{Where I'm From}

I am from the maroon bedroom carpet, summer road trips, and ballet lessons.

I am from warm red brick and four windows on a busy street.

I am from snowy winters, daffodils that bloom too soon, and mountains, Oh the Mountains!

I am from blue eyes, long legs, tuna fish gravy on toast, and five people with one bathroom.

I am from Miriam and Nathaniel, but call me Than...not Nathan or Nate, and dearest friends who have become family.

From John and Lucy Ann: Adventure South, a dead ox, the Ajax Underground Store, a green pioneer bench, and "You are a great Brain."

I'm from Sunday Dinners, Christmas Eves, Whipping Cream, and beautiful china table settings.

From Donald and Lucille: Grandmother to everyone, fresh peas from the garden, a farm with a crooked gate, rainbow noodles, paper dolls, and the descendant of a shoebox.

I am from temples, family history, testimonies, and the blessings of tithing.

I am from making memories, saying Thank Yous, and "Don't sell that at the yard sale."

Inspiration at Metropolitan Mama
Original writing prompt found here.
Photo by Bree

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