Though my blog is not a geneology blog, Marie nominated These Small Hours as worthy to recieve the "Ancestor Approved" award saying,
"...not really a geneology blog, but her grandparents treasure it and so do I; it
is so well written and will be a treasure to her descendants"
This made my day! My grandparents are my the biggest and most supportive fans...they show it to anyone they think might be interested, which is how Marie found it. And for Marie to take time to read and make such sweet and supportive comments has been so fun for me.
I appreciate the thoughtfulness of this award and have launched a full investigation of the geneology blog world so that I can get in on the action...not to change my blog style, but to learn about other's who are finding success and how. Though my blogging time has been significantly shortened in the past few weeks due to the end of the semester rush, I'm looking forward to May and June when I will be spending time perusing at least the eight other blogs that Marie recognized.
It truly is inspiring to read geneology blogs. The writers work so hard to discover their history and share it with others...its almost overwhelming. Head to Marie's blog to see what I mean and enjoy meeting her Great Greats.