30 September 2009

Today I feel...

Under this national rain cloud
I'm getting soaked to the skin
Trying to find my umbrella
But I don't know where to begin

And it's simply irrational weather
Can't even hear myself think
Constantly bailing out water
But still feel like I'm gonna sink

'Cause I'm under the weather
Just like the world
So sorry for being so bold
When I turn out the light
You're out of sight
Although I know that I'm not alone

Under the Weather-KT Tunstall

29 September 2009

The Story of Jesse's Life Part IV

Ever since we were married, I have made a habit of wearing Jesse's red basketball shorts whenever I could get my hands on them. They are so comfy! Yesterday Jesse came home with more basketball shorts and I was so excited until...

Della, "Jesse, why did you buy these colors...they are weird."

Jesse, "Because I like these colors."

Della, "But I don't want to wear YELLOW!"

Jesse's final statement on the matter:


I guess that means the red ones are mine...

22 September 2009

Emotional Outbursts

I recognize that I should be grateful that my "TO DO" list for the day only contains two items of business...
...but I do NOT feel grateful.

Both of my tasks are equally HORRENDOUS...

Math Homework

... and...

Dish Washing


However, at this time I would like to say a great big "THANK YOU" to all the women in my life whose lists are much longer and more horrific than the mere annoyances on my own. You are such marvelous examples to me. In fact, your examples have influenced my life so tremendously that I will now stop my complaining and...drumroll please...get started on my math.

21 September 2009

Tight Like a Dish

Dear Ashley Beatrice,

There are so many wonderful things that I could say about you, but I think the blog would burst if I tried to post it all.

Suffice it to say that I am ever grateful for your love and friendship that never falters. I love everything about you. Everything. You are one of my "Top 10 Favorite Nouns" (persons, places, things, and ideas).

I'm so sorry that I defiled the Book of Ether in your scriptures when we were in high school...but I still love what I wrote. I am so glad that it is still true.

18 September 2009

Home Is...

Lately, I have been homesick.

I have missed my family, friends, and even the smell of the laundry detergent that my mom used to wash my clothes with.

This morning I opened the blinds in our tiny Anderson apartment, and the sunlight burst through to greet me. It reminded me of many mornings in my parents' home when the sun shone through the windows with the same vibrant golden color. I stood there briefly feeling somewhat nostalgic, and more homesick than ever. Immediately, the light warmed my soul, and whispered to my heart,

"This place can be home too."
It was as though that sunlight had exposed the secret desire hidden deep within my heart to be home, and had given me a precious gift.

I looked around the little apartment stuffed full of our things, and for the first time since Jesse and I moved in, my heart is here at Anderson, and we all know that
"Home is where the heart is."

10 September 2009

Vacation: All I Ever Wanted

Last weekend, Jesse and I chose to spend our Labor Day weekend with our dear city friends Annie and Jeremy. Annie and I had been counting down the days for what seemed like ages...We met them in Nephi, carpooled down to Zions National Park, set up camp, and hiked our weekend away. It was marvelous!

We were infatuated with our elephant tent.

Miss Annie and I were so happy to spend time together that we even enjoyed washing the dishes!
While Jesse and Annie climbed this mountain to Angel's Landing...
Jeremy saved me from this fearless lizard.
We were then privileged to attend the baptism of our nephew in Cedar City where Eric let us use his shower....thank goodness too! Nathan and Megan fed us a delicious BBQ meal. It was lovely to catch up with Jesse's family for a little while.
The next day we went on another beautiful hike to the Emerald Pools and tried to make the most of the last day or our vacation.
All in all, we got a lot of exercise, consumed plenty of delicious dutch oven food, and participated in fun conversations. Best of all, we spent a whole weekend in the presence of Annie's camping organizational skills and Jeremy's food preparation talents. We learned so much and can't wait to become camping experts ourselves.
Thank you Annie for planning such a sensational weekend getaway and for being such a remarkable friend. Can't wait to see you both again!

08 September 2009

A Memory and A Fulfillment

I was very young. My grandmother, brother, and I were driving in the old blue van with the personalized license plates to a destination of little importance when Grandma Lucy posed the question,

What do you children want to be when you grow up?

I knew this answer! I had been asked this particular question many times throughout my young life and had come to the perfect conclusion. I was going to be a princess! It was my call in life. I knew this was the perfect job for me because of my overwhelming desire to sing, wear beautiful dresses, and be very pretty. That’s what princesses do in the great kingdom of Disney isn’t it?

Very quickly, my dreams of castles and gowns were flattened as my brother explained,

You can’t be a princess. You have to marry a prince in order to be a princess, and we don’t have princes here in America. We have presidents.

As soon as my grandmother agreed with him, the deal was sealed. I would not be a princess. I was OK with that, and moved on to make other equally unrealistic goals...such as attending Hogwarts.

However, sometimes I think that maybe I did grow up to be a princess. Some days I feel like Cinderella, cleaning and working my life away. Some days I feel like Rapunzel, kept by wicked witch, "Snow College" from the family and friends that I love and miss. My favorite days are those when I feel like Sleeping Beauty, waking up to a beautiful life...

...Today I was a little of each, but a princess none-the-less!