22 November 2010

Today I miss...

My Families.
My Ashley.
My Sal and Marie.
My Salt Lake Friends.
My Old Ephraim Friends.
My Old Wardrobe.

One day I wish for all of the people I love to live on the same block with me and my old wardrobe. Then I would dress up in my cute clothes and visit everyone whenever I fancied.

I guess if I were following the second great commandment then there wouldn't be a problem because I would love the peeps in my immediate vicinity enough to make up for the lack of the presence of those listed above.

But then there is still that issue with the clothes.


In Which I Single-Handedly Attempt a Family Portrait:

But I missed Jesse, Oliver J. and the rest of my forehead. YIKES! 

21 November 2010

Bijou Review

Oliver J. and I headed to Provo for the Bijou Market on Saturday. SO.MUCH.FUN. It was inspiring to see all of the unique merchandise.

My Favorites: Vintage Oddity and Sugar Fresh

Can't wait for next time!

19 November 2010

The Story of Jesse's Life: His Independant Woman

Yesterday, Jesse and I were chatting...about nothing really. And then he got serious.

He told me that before we were married, my soda Pop warned him that I had been raised to be responsible, capable, and independent.

I don't remember the exact words that were used, but my friend Jesse appreciates me.

He appreciates that I:

spend time with my friends regularly...and I don't ask permission
spend money when I want/need to...and I don't ask permission

He appreciates that I am responsible, capable, and independent...and I don't ask permission

I appreciate that he doesn't expect me to.

We both appreciate parents who raised responsible, capable, independent women, and respectful, patient men.

Sweethearts 2008

Funny story about the picture: Jesse looked at it the other day and said "Why did I wear a blue tie with a black shirt?" I laughed and said to myself ,"I didn't really know at the time either"...

15 November 2010

Weekend Plans

I just finished one fun weekend of Christmas shopping. I think next weekend I'll go here:

You should too.

09 November 2010

Someone asked me if I like my room mates...

I do.

*And then I accidentally told her that I was married to ShaNeil...but that's not what I meant to say. It was classic.

04 November 2010

A Recipe from Memory:

Macaroni noodles
Browned Hamburger
Tomato soup
A Grandmother’s Specialty:
“Rainbow Noodles.”

01 November 2010


Today, I woke up aspiring to earn a Master's degree...

But now that dinner is over, my only aspiration is to become the owner of a dishwasher.