28 July 2011

Boasting on a Thursday

I thought everyone should know that I experienced some math magic this week. I got my test score back from Tuesday's chapter test and found that I had earned myself 100%.

I was ecstatic because that's pretty much a big deal for me...

I'm happy to be doing so well in my math classes this summer...especially since they were the one thing keeping me here instead of in Salt Lake/Idaho with Jesse...it's sort of a tender mercy, really.

27 July 2011

Went to pick up my mail yesterday at the Cedar City apartment and found that the "For Rent" sign had been taken down...After a quick chat with the Rowleys it was confirmed, there is a new couple lined up to take our place...and, she was quick to toss in, she won't be charging me for cleaning. I think she feels bad about her shenanigans from earlier this month...maybe not, but it sure makes me feel better to imagine that she does.

Thankfully, after I turn in our keys later this week, the Cedar City apartment that was supposed to be perfect, with the landlords who were supposed to be so nice...(neither statement turned out to be true...it is such a long story) will be history and I can look forward with somewhat wary eyes to the new apartment we will be renting in Malad.

One day, I will buy a house...Hopefully that day will be sooner than later.

But it won't be a humongous house because today I cleaned at least 400 square feet of bathroom (I am SO not exaggerating)...and I don't plan to do THAT for the rest of my life.

26 July 2011

Paper Chains

Usually, if something very exciting is coming up, I think of making a paper chain at least once, though I never end up actually making one because after I go to the effort of measuring and cutting, I can count on the glue to be missing and then I end up with strips of paper that sit around waiting to be chained together until long after the event that I'm looking forward to...

Anyway, sure enough, last night I was thinking about how much Ollie and I miss living with Jesse and I found myself wondering how many links on a paper chain it would take to make a countdown...


That's a whole lot less than I thought it was. It's going to go by faster than I think, just like the rest of the summer has.

That makes me a happy girl.

25 July 2011

A Love Note to my Indian friend...Hola!

I have a brown friend named Kiana.

We met in Human Development, but didn't talk until that blessed semester when I took bowling and early childhood...bet you can't guess who was in both of those classes? 

The Indian. 

She may have been the only person I knew at the time who actually liked my Moses friend...

After she left Snow College, she visited me in Ephraim more than anyone else I know. 

We may or may not have had a falling out because of how I let her find out about my pregnancy, but she was the first to say "I'm sorry" and show up on my doorstep with wild sunflowers from the roadside to grace my kitchen after Oliver J. was born (In fact, she was the first person ever to call him Oliver J.)...

She truly is the best house guest... 

Oh! And she loves to send cards.

And run errands...which makes hanging out effortless. 

And she made calling people and inanimate objects "Ninja" cool...yeah, I stole that from her. 

And she was the person who first introduced me to the blogosphere.

Now we are pretty tight...at least I think so because we mention each other on our blogs sort of regularly...who doesn't love a good shout out?

It has to be said that seeing Kiana every weekday morning for Math 2020 with Jana is seriously keeping me sane through this LONG, Single mom summer during which I have been so desperate the company of almost everyone else that I love.

Anyway, three years ago today we sat on a curb in downtown Salt Lake, watched the parade, saw the prophet, and celebrated our fine friendship.  This morning she texted me a "Happy Anniversary" in honor of the first of many Kiana and Della Days.

If I had my own computer at my disposal, I would post the goofy picture of me, Kiana, and Kiana's umbrella hat at the parade...for now you'll have to just imagine it.

If you are perhaps interested in Kiana's side of the story, or those silly pictures I mentioned, check here. And let's all be thankful that my sweet indian friend took the time to edit those pictures before she placed them on the interweb. Seriously, she's one of the best! 

08 July 2011

Kiana and Della Day

Today was a Kiana, Della, and Oliver day spent exploring some of the boutiques and consignment stores in Cedar City (one of my favorite activities)

02 July 2011

My dear friends Jesse and Oliver J. are on their way to Cedar City RIGHT NOW!

I am so happy about this that I can hardly stand it.

The very best part is that, due to the holiday, Jesse gets to stay until Wednesday

...And he will hold my hand...and tell me how good I look...and grill me tasty steaks...and lift heavy things for me...

for five.whole.days.

Callooh! Callay!