09 November 2009


Family traditions counter alienation and confusion. They help
us define who we are; they provide something steady, reliable and safe in a
confusing world.

-Susan Lieberman

I come from a great family....a small group of people steeped in traditions. I love those traditions.

I have also joined a great family....a small group of people with their own traditions...each one contrasting with mine.

Recently, I talked with some of my family members about these traditions and decided that different doesn't have to be bad....just different.

My Grandma Childs and I talked about the beautiful traditions that are just for Heather and I alone to share with her, the happiness that they have brought her, and the lovely dishes and table clothes that she has to remind her of all of those years when we set the table together, cut the banana's for the pies, and mixed the ranch dressing.

I thanked her for those beautiful memories, and for all that she had taught me. I know how to set a beautiful table, to use two white table clothes so that the dishes don't make noise when you set them down, how to make whipping cream and how to make banana cream pie.

This year our Thanksgiving traditions are changing, and the thought of it has been difficult for me to accept in some ways, yet simple at the same time.

Yesterday Grandma taught me that, though traditions may change because of age, convenience or marriage, we shouldn't mourn the loss of the tradition, but treasure the memories that it brought to us. She also taught me that the best way that she knew to enjoy life in the moment, and keep that moment forever was to establish traditions with those that you love.

And hopefully someday, I'll be able to set that beautiful table, or one like it again.

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